couple fighting on a couch with a mediator

Mediation, Collaborative, or Litigation: Which is Right Method for Your Divorce Case?

When considering a divorce, the experience can feel incredibly overwhelming due to the many decisions that must be made. One of the most significant choices revolves around selecting the appropriate legal process to formally dissolve the marriage. Historically, couples typically opted to navigate their divorce through the court system, subjecting themselves to lengthy legal battles…

husband and military wife fighting on a couch

Military Divorce in Kentucky: Considerations and Challenges

Going through a divorce can be an emotionally taxing experience, but when it involves a military member, the situation becomes considerably more complicated. Key issues can include the division of military retirement benefits, entitlements to medical care, and deployment-related factors. If you are navigating a military divorce, consider consulting an experienced and knowledgeable family law…

couple fighting over a phone

The Impact of Social Media on Divorce Cases in Kentucky

Social media is increasingly impacting divorce cases in Kentucky. These platforms often provide a rich source of evidence that can substantially influence legal decisions regarding child custody, spousal support, and asset division. For instance, online posts, photos, and comments can provide crucial insights into an individual’s behavior, lifestyle choices, and financial situation. As a result,…

Man and woman on stacks of coins being divided

How to Protect Your Assets During a Divorce in Kentucky

Combining finances after marriage can greatly simplify various aspects of managing your household, such as paying bills, budgeting, and saving for future goals. However, this merging of financial resources can also present challenges, especially if the relationship takes a downturn and leads to divorce. When assets are commingled, they can become more challenging to separate,…