Adoption Attorneys Florence KY
Types Of Adoption We Handle
As your family’s Northern Kentucky adoption attorneys, we can assist you with all of your family law needs, including the adoption of a much wanted child.
The lawyers of Hoffman Walker & Knauf have experience with many forms of adoption. Whether you are a stepparent seeking adoption of a stepchild, a couple looking to adopt a child or birth parents seeking a good home for your baby, our attorneys can help you through the entire process. We handle the following types of adoptions:
- Foster parent adoptions
- Stepparent adoptions
- Family member adoptions
- Independent adoptions
- International adoptions

Can I Pursue An Adoption When The Birth Parents Do Not Consent?
It is possible in some instances to adopt a child without the consent of the birth parent(s). Specific statutory requirements allow for the termination of parental rights under certain circumstances. This is typically the process used in a stepparent adoption when a biological parent has abandoned the child or failed to support the child. The stepparent and their spouse should carefully consider the mental and emotional impact on the child before pursuing termination. In some instances, it truly is in the child’s best interest to terminate the rights of the natural parent(s) and allow the adoption. To better understand whether your adoption case could be successful, call Hoffman Walker & Knauf for a consultation.
Do We Accept State Subsidies For Foster Parent Adoptions?
Foster parents that have completed the Foster-To-Adopt program through the Cabinet for Families and Children may be eligible for a state subsidy toward their attorney fees and costs for the adoption. Hoffman Walker & Knauf accepts this subsidy.
How Long Is The Adoption Process In Northern Kentucky?
Each adoption has a unique set of facts that make it impossible to predict how long the process might take. Several issues to consider are whether the rights of the parent have been terminated or need to be terminated, whether the parent consents, and what proof is needed for a contested hearing. In an independent adoption, a home study must be completed, which is typically done through an agency and can take many months. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services and/or a guardian ad litem must file a report with the Court recommending the adoption before a final hearing can be scheduled.
Adoption is a highly specialized area of the law. It is crucial that you seek representation from an attorney who has the skills, knowledge, experience, and ability to handle your case. The adoption lawyer must coordinate the efforts of all persons involved to ensure their work is completed in a timely manner. Our Northern Kentucky adoption attorneys will work diligently to help your family reach its goal as soon as possible.
If you are a birth parent looking to give your child up for adoption or are looking to adopt a child, please contact Hoffman Walker & Knauf today to schedule a consultation.