What Is the Biggest Mistake in a Custody Battle?

child custody

Navigating a custody battle during a divorce or separation can be incredibly challenging. That is why it is important to understand the common pitfalls of custody battles, as they can affect your case and future. In the following guide, we will discuss some of the major mistakes to avoid in a custody battle.

Talking Negatively About the Other Parent

Speaking negatively about the other parent to or around the child can significantly impact the child’s emotional well-being. This behavior can distort the child’s perception and may be viewed unfavorably by the courts, potentially affecting a custody decision.

Making the Child Feel Bad 

Attempting to get your child to feel sorry for you can lead to an unhealthy role reversal, often viewed as parental alienation. Courts may interpret this as a lack of child-focused parenting, which could affect custody decisions.

Withholding Access

Unless there may be a risk of harm to a child, the courts generally expect parents to facilitate a relationship between both parents.  When a parent prevents the other parent from having access to the child without a valid reason, it can have detrimental effects on the custody battle. 

Lying About Substance Abuse

Courts will usually prioritize the impact of substance abuse on parenting abilities over the use itself. That is why honesty about alcohol or drug use is so crucial, as are taking steps towards recovery. 

Refusing To Cooperate

Courts typically prefer parents who can show an ability to communicate and cooperate. If a parent refuses to cooperate with the other parent, it can impact the judge’s decision in the custody battle.

Inappropriate Posts on Social Media

Social media posts that vent about the other parent or the custody battle can be harmful to a custody case. Courts may even consider these posts evidence of a parent’s judgment and attitude.

Not Listening To Court Orders 

When initially deciding on child custody, the judge may establish a temporary custody schedule, or the parents may agree to a temporary custody order. It may be challenging to modify this arrangement, and the parent will be required to adhere to the court’s directive. Failing to comply with these orders or disobey any instructions from the court can be viewed as a lack of respect by the courts, and the parent may be held in contempt, which can negatively impact the judge’s decision in the custody case. 

Trying To Represent Yourself

Child custody laws can be quite complicated, especially since each state has its own laws regarding child custody, divorce proceedings, and child support. That is why when a parent tries to represent themselves in a custody battle and does not understand the laws, it can detrimentally impact their situation.  

Trying To Manipulate the Child’s Views

Forcing children to take sides or manipulating their opinions against the other parent is strongly discouraged. Not only can these actions harm the parent-child relationship, but they are also seen unfavorably by the courts.

To Learn More About The Biggest Mistakes in a Custody Battle, Contact Hoffman Walker & Knauf Today 

Child custody issues are usually the most challenging to handle in family law. Custody is often disputed and can be hard to resolve through agreement. That is why it is important to find an experienced family law attorney who has the skills, compassion, and understanding to navigate this delicate and sensitive area. Fortunately, the attorneys at Hoffman Walker & Knauf are all trained in divorce, child custody, and child support.

If you need further information about custody battle mistakes or want to discuss your custody situation in more detail, contact Hoffman, Walker, & Knauf today